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Mar 31, 2021

Cannabis & Weight Loss

healthy foods and cannabis

A common stereotype surrounding cannabis is its tendency to cause the munchies and turn any consumer into a snacking couch potato. But what if we told you that health trends and recent studies actually report the opposite–that cannabis users typically have lower body fat? As is often the case, new research and scientific discoveries are proving that old cliches are often wrong when it comes to cannabis weight loss. Today, many researchers are wondering – can weed help lose weight?

Cannabis Users Are Less Likely to Be Obese?

It is no secret that cannabis stimulates the appetite and enhances your experience of eating food. After all, one of the primary reasons that medical marijuana came to be legalized in the United States was the effect that it has on stimulating the appetites of patients undergoing cancer treatment. However, over the past decade multiple studies, including a large three-year study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, have discovered that cannabis users are actually less likely to be obese than people who don’t use cannabis.

“Nationwide US studies report that, compared to non-users, cannabis users actually have a lower prevalence of obesity” (Le Strat, Y. & Le Foll, B. Am. J. Epidemiol. 174, 929–933 (2011).
There was a correlation between those who consume cannabis regularly and those with leaner Body Mass Index. Researchers have reported a lot of interesting data around cannabis use, metabolism and weight loss, though there is much work yet to do.

Let’s take a look at the information surrounding this hypothesis to dig into why these findings might be:

If cannabis stimulates appetite, then what is the link between marijuana and weight loss?

Ultimately, ”Evidence suggests that, in the United States, many people may actually achieve net health benefits from moderate Cannabis use, due to reduced risk of obesity and associated diseases.“

While more research is needed to understand marijuana and weight loss, it is now undisputed that, for reasons not fully understood yet, cannabis users are less likely to be obese.

There are a few leading theories:

● Non-food incentives: One proposed explanation for this correlation is the idea of Cannabis users including substitution of cannabis for food in brain reward pathways.
● Drinking less: In another study, Joseph J. Sabia of the University of San Diego found that younger marijuana users have a tendency to drink less alcohol than others, which reduces their caloric intake. Reduced alcohol use and increased physical activity upon initiating cannabis use may be responsible for the observed decrease in BMI.
● Lower pharmaceutical usage: In addition, medicinal cannabis use is increasing and leading to decreased use of multiple classes of pharmaceuticals. Patients often report fewer side effects from cannabis than prescriptions, as well as amazing results relating to pain management and inflammation.
● Reduced stress and pain: Because marijuana use relieves stress and alleviates pain in most users, it makes sense that they might naturally become more active due to generally feeling better.
● Increased metabolism: A study by Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research in 2018 theorized that cannabis use increases the metabolism, and that this offsets the additional calories that might be consumed while high. Similar studies that same year interestingly found that cannabis users appear to have increased caloric intake relative to nonusers, despite lower Body Mass Index. They found cannabis users consumed an additional 834 kcal/day compared to nonusers. “As BMI of cannabis users is lower than nonusers, this suggests that cannabis users must have increased metabolic rates.”

Cannabis & Fitness

The decrease in social stigma and legal complications surrounding cannabis in the United States has opened up the conversation to the role that cannabis plays in fitness. Dr. Jordan Tishler, a Harvard-trained doctor specializing in medical cannabis therapeutics, spoke to Men’s Journal about the role of marijuana in certain sports, saying, “Where I see this really being helpful is in that sort of mediation/yoga. The low-impact sporting-type events.”

The findings in this article are not to say everyone should replace trips to the gym with rips from the bong.

It’s important that we still continue to treat our bodies with respect, but it’s interesting to see consistent findings across the world linking cannabis use with leaner body mass. Of course, there’s much research to be done, but maybe it’s time we rewrite the narrative on the stereotypical stoner, am I right?

How can Life Flower Dispensary Help?

Life Flower Dispensary is proud to offer the greatest selection of organic, local cannabis strains to be found anywhere. Both our Denver and Glendale locations offer only quality cannabis to our customers. As an industry-leading dispensary led by an OG of Colorado’s medical and recreational cannabis scenes, we want to become your dispensary of choice, and we are confident that after one visit you’ll be hooked.

Are you wondering where to start? With so many incredible strains to choose from, it can be difficult to decide. We recommend that new patients come in for a visit, where one of our experienced budtenders will be happy to take you on a guided exploration of our product offerings. We have created an inviting atmosphere where our friendly staff will make you feel welcome and are genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of our customers.

For those interested in marijuana and weight loss, there are certain strains that we have already identified as being helpful for users experiencing symptoms from joint pain, such as:

Power Plant – Bold flavored powerful, this strain is very popular with users experiencing joint pain, especially from arthritis.
Nina’s Web – Known for offering pain relief without clouding your mind, Nina’s web is a high CBD strain and is a great choice for new users.

We also offer mind-blowing recreational Sativa strains such as Incredible Hulk that will leave you feeling energized and focused.

At Life Flower Dispensary, we make it easier for our customers to get their hands on Colorado’s best organic cannabis products. We are open until midnight, and now we also offer curbside pickup! Come see us today and discover the best local flowers at Life Flower Dispensary.